Fred, I completely agree. Put me on a whole new plane. My favorite thing. 


On May 28, 2012, at 1:55 PM, Fred Heutte <> wrote:

> They were superb -- and certainly not pretending to play with a
> backup CD.  They played about 10 compositions, most of them with
> an arpeggio line to tie things together with slow and deep bass
> themes and lots of light effects.  "Ambient techno" would not do it
> justice, really, the Wikipedia page says some have compared this to 
> musique concrete.  Given the known problems of the underground
> stage as a sonic space, it worked really well there but would have
> been even better outside.
> fh
> -----------------
>> Just saw Dopplereffekt Friday in Dallas and I can confirm it's the
>> more ambient stuff, Infophysix style. Great show, though - but I
>> suspect many people just don't know WHAT to expect when they play. It
>> was very, very Detroit!
>> On Sun, May 27, 2012 at 4:31 PM, Patrick Wacher <> wrote:
>>> From reports of other Doppler shows, they tend to play the atmospheric 
>>> tracks as 
> apposed to any of the Dataphysics material.
>>> Anyways, looking forward to hearing some reviews from their 313 performance.
>>> --
>>> Patrick Wacher
>>> On Sunday, May 27, 2012 at 1:21 PM, Williams Graham G wrote:
>>> That doesn't surprise me the last time I saw them play "Live" they used a 
>>> backing cd, 
> they mimicked playing a keyboard for some of the tracks.
>>> G
>>> On 27 May 2012, at 19:15, "Fred Heutte" <> wrote:
>>> The word I'm hearing is that Dopplereffekt got booed at a recent
>>> show in NY. So this could be interesting, at least. I still play a
>>> couple tracks from the Infophysix EP and they certainly had an
>>> impact back in the day.
>>> So, see you at 8:30 and we'll have something to talk about!
>>> fh
>>> -----------------
>>> Pizza papolis 830.
>>> Awesome.
>>> On May 26, 2012, at 7:17 PM, Fred Heutte <> wrote:
>>> I always think of Plaka as the place to go at 6 am :)
>>> I'm kind of curious to see what Dopplereffekt will actually do --
>>> Underground stage at 7-8, otherwise I'm open. Denise, how
>>> about just picking a time and place and let's go with it.
>>> fh
>>> -----------------
>>> I have not been to plaka in YEARS. What time?
>>> On May 26, 2012, at 1:15 PM, Kevin Kennedy <> wrote:
>>> I suggest Plaka.....
>>> On May 26, 2012 11:42 AM, <> wrote:
>>> 313 dinner Sunday sounds great. Where we meeting?
>>> On May 24, 2012, at 11:22 PM, Fred Heutte <> wrote:
>>> Back again and ready to take it all on, although it's going to be hot
>>> this weekend and I'm planning to take things back from +4 to +1
>>> as a result : )
>>> Not happy the Tigers aren't in town, but so it goes.
>>> 313 should do a dinner get-together or something... Sunday?
>>> cheers
>>> fh

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