After around 9 years membership of 313 I'll be leaving in a few days, for
the moment at least.

There've been a few times over the years when I thought of going - back in
the day of "heated debates" on here I might even have thought of flouncing
off (though that was usually others).

More recently I find I don't pay so much attention.  313 used to be a unique
source of info, now there are others.  Also, while Detroit techno keeps it's
place in my heart, there was more of it & related good stuff being made when
I joined - or  a greater proportion of what I bought / listened to was of
list relevance.  Now I feel it's the odd release now & then that ticks my
box (in fact that's true generally, let alone about the reduced amount of
goodness coming out of the motor city).

This isn't meant as another of those -"there's no good music anymore"
messages, I still buy plenty of records.  Just that I hardly check my 313
folder anymore & I'm about to go away for a few weeks, have decided I don't
want to be sorting through 313 mail on my phone & (rather than setting up
filtering with my ISP, rather than mail client) am suspending for now.

So I wanted to say to all those I've corresponded with over the years how
much pleasure this list has given me & that it was nice to meet you.  Some
of you I see other places outside here, to those I don't I wish you all the


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