take care of yourself, francis.

On Sun, Jul 1, 2012 at 3:33 PM,  <fran...@thatamazingthing.com> wrote:
> After around 9 years membership of 313 I'll be leaving in a few days, for
> the moment at least.
> There've been a few times over the years when I thought of going - back in
> the day of "heated debates" on here I might even have thought of flouncing
> off (though that was usually others).
> More recently I find I don't pay so much attention.  313 used to be a unique
> source of info, now there are others.  Also, while Detroit techno keeps it's
> place in my heart, there was more of it & related good stuff being made when
> I joined - or  a greater proportion of what I bought / listened to was of
> list relevance.  Now I feel it's the odd release now & then that ticks my
> box (in fact that's true generally, let alone about the reduced amount of
> goodness coming out of the motor city).
> This isn't meant as another of those -"there's no good music anymore"
> messages, I still buy plenty of records.  Just that I hardly check my 313
> folder anymore & I'm about to go away for a few weeks, have decided I don't
> want to be sorting through 313 mail on my phone & (rather than setting up
> filtering with my ISP, rather than mail client) am suspending for now.
> So I wanted to say to all those I've corresponded with over the years how
> much pleasure this list has given me & that it was nice to meet you.  Some
> of you I see other places outside here, to those I don't I wish you all the
> best!
> Cheers
> Francis

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