Newish - been here since 2007 before my first trip to the festival.
Been on various lists since the 90s and watched most of them die due to
lack of relevancy.  Still find the the signal to noise ratio on this one
surprisingly good.
Generally lurking but have reached out to various people off list for
various reasons.
I am from Los Angeles for those who are curious.

On Wed, Nov 28, 2012 at 8:03 AM, benny blanco® <>wrote:

> The DubStep Holodeck Forums are where are the kidz are hangin' out these
> days.
> Hangin out since mid '90s or so at least, if not earlier.
> benny blanco®
> On Wed, Nov 28, 2012 at 10:51 AM, Mike Taylor <>wrote:
>> Nothing signifies middle age quite like participating in a Hyperreal
>> electronic music mailing list.
>> It's been a minute since 1996, hasn't it?
>> m

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