With a few exceptions, booking the famous Chicago DJs can be scary.  I
don't know if it comes from them living and working in a really sketchy
scene -- where most of them got ripped off by someone along the line,
probably many times -- but there's a lot of chaos and uncertainty and
no-shows involved.

We had one very famous Chicago DJ show up in our town, and I spent half the
night after the show driving around town looking a woman -- any woman --
who was interested in a _VERY_ personal appearance by the man.  He
disappeared upstairs with a girl at some random student crib about 3:30 AM
and I went home and crashed.  Found out next days that the promoters had
their (pretty meager) profit for the event erased when they had to pay
hundreds out for a demolished hotel room.

I won't name names.  I will name a few of the guys who were not a problem
-- Boo Williams, DJ Deeon, Gene Hunt, K Alexi, DJ Milton ...

On Sun, Dec 2, 2012 at 9:00 AM, gavin morrissey <gavinmorris...@gmail.com>wrote:

> Shitty for the promoters but I personally think it's a really bad idea to
> go public like this, good luck booking any Chicago DJs in future now! Think
> how many top DJs from Chicago and Detroit and elsewhere who are either
> friends with Louis or see him as a hero, not sure how they would react to
> such public mud slinging.
> On Sun, Dec 2, 2012 at 12:47 AM, Michael Elliot-Knight <
> melliotkni...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Those poor promoters.  They should have walked away much earlier, when
>> the whole fiasco with the sorting out of who his official "rep" was.
>> I know they say they're the types who do it for the love of the music but
>> sometimes it is better off following the head and not the heart.
>> Especially when there's thousands of other people's dollars at stake.
>> MEK
>> On Sat, Dec 1, 2012 at 4:22 PM, Mel N <mymachines...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Wow I had no idea those forums got that long in like, 2 days...
>>> Can't believe the publicist went public, if the promotors had hired
>>> lawyers LL should have got his own lawyers quickly onto it to shut it down
>>> and negotiate an outcome.
>>> On my quick analysis if it was unlikely that the promotors would get
>>> their $ back the best thing for them was to just go public and "win" it
>>> that way (even if it meant it showed how naive they were). Sadly, to
>>> recover $12000 by using lawyers is probably going to be a waste of $ - I
>>> can see a legal bill about $5000 at least (which would cover 10 - 15 hours
>>> work), totally not worth it.  Even if they got judgment there is the
>>> question of how it could be enforced.
>>> On Sun, Dec 2, 2012 at 6:06 AM, The Archiver <
>>> thearchi...@thearchiver.net> wrote:
>>>> That's absolute Gold!
>>>> There was alarm bells ringing through the whole story, Lil Louis excuses
>>>> are a bit thin , he'll lose the most from this as it's all over the web
>>>> now.
>>>> His "Publicist" needs to learn to stay out of forum debates. Even
>>>> Marshall
>>>> Jefferson has jumped to the defense of his "friend".
>>>> Even if the promoters were a bit naive, for him to take nearly €12,000
>>>> is
>>>> out of order.  I can imagine promoters will think twice about booking
>>>> him
>>>> after this episode. I'm sure it happens lots of times that artist don't
>>>> turn up and don't give the fee back. I've seen it happen here in Dublin.
>>>> The Archiver
>>>> On Fri, Nov 30, 2012 at 10:15 AM, Mike Taylor <disconihil...@gmail.com>
>>>> wrote:
>>>> That is nothing, go read the 440+ comment long thread about this site
>>>> on Resident Advisor.
>>>> If you are looking for a message board trainwreck, this is a first
>>>> rate example.
>>>> m
>>>> On Fri, Nov 30, 2012 at 12:17 PM, Patrick Wacher <pwac...@gmail.com>
>>>> wrote:
>>>> > If you have about 30 mins to spare, go grab a coffee, a warm place by
>>>> the
>>>> > fire and settle in and read this whole cluster between some Australian
>>>> > promoters and Lil Louis.
>>>> >
>>>> > It's like watching a train wreck in slow motion...
>>>> >
>>>> > http://www.whoislillouis.com/
>>>> >
>>>> > Enjoy!
>>>> > Patrick.

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