I have received some letters off list about my original post so I thought I
should clarify my stance and clear up any misconceptions - anyone wishing to
write me, please read this all first.

I think with the Internet it is very easy to skim over something and react
instantaneously without re-reading a text or taking it all in - I myself do
this all the time, I am trying to restrain myself. I think it is a very
serious, and frightening, problem with this volatile medium, that you can
upset people without meaning to, or misunderstand them or be misunderstood.
I hope I have not been guilty of this in any way.

I was not in any way critiquing the concept of M+M, in fact I think it is a
BRILLIANT, long over-due idea, and could develop into something very
remarkable, and this is why I was keen to know more - the Web site is very
good but not comprehensive (as yet). Nor was I in any way undermining Jeff
Mills, whose endeavours - music, DJing, theories, writings - I have followed
and supported and believed in, shared and been inspired by over the years. I
think my posts convey that, if nothing else, and I have generated affirming
media to that end. Nor was I insinuating anything about ANY of those
involved in ANY way. But as much as, despite the lip service, it is verboten
that females have viewpoints on techno, I have them.

I was merely curious to see if Detroit was represented, if people from
different parts of the world were represented, if there were any female
participants - like Laura who is an example of a Detroit woman who has done
a lot for this music and has many insights. 

Any female in this subculture is bound to be sensitive to issues of
marginalisation or exclusion. Hence maybe my remarks about closed societies
may have hurt some. I apologise. I hope you see where I am coming from.

All I was doing was expressing my confusion about M+M's 'international'
status and any claim to be representative on that basis. Now 'international'
*could* mean that it has members dawn from international backgrounds, which
changes things, or it *could* mean 'global', meaning that it would be
representative of different scenes across the world. This is what I was
trying to ascertain. At the same time M+M could be in transition, with the
latter the ultimate aim. OK, I was dying to know.

To me, it looks like an extension of Tresor, which is fine, and so therefore
German-centric. Tresor occupies a very important place in the history of
techno, as does Germany and West Europe, evidently. Tresor has been very
supportive of artists and has been a catalyst for innovation and artistic

It now looks to me as if M+M has a trans-atlantic focus, which is fine, end
of story, I understand.

I was NOT saying that any Australian should have been there, so to get mail
stating that we are irrelevant, that our DJs and producers are irrelevant,
was startling to me and not just missing my point. Most Australians carry a
deep feeling that they are mediocre - without culture, without new ideas, we
don't need to be told that we haven't produced a unique music or unique DJs
or writers, etc, etc, as that is a constant anxiety to us, we undermine
ourselves. We are all desperately trying to move beyond that, prove
something to ourselves and to others. That said, we do have gifted people -
this regardless of congresses or anything - there are people here with
visions and ideas and passion. But because of the tyranny of distance,
because of the perception overseas that Australia is irrelevant, I can see
why no one would know much about what happens here, or maybe even care. HMC
*chose* to stay in Adelaide and do his thing instead of going down the
Anthony Pappa route - his love of that city is like I imagine Mad Mike's is
for Detroit. HMC did much to introduce Detroit techno to Australia, thus
creating a market whereby international techno DJs could tour, and he
remains passionate about Detroit and quality techno. He is making great
tracks and has started his own labels.

My point about Australia was merely that I could use that as one EXAMPLE of
a strong scene that wasn't represented, if indeed M+M sought to be a GLOBAL
entity as opposed to have international members - I hope that
differentiation is now clear. Had I been in Japan I would have asked the
same question, had I been in Singapore I would asked the same question, or
Croatia or Poland or the Czech Republic or South America, had I been in
Detroit I would have asked that. It's just that I can research Australia as
an example, I can call up people locally and interstate without clocking up
too much debt. I don't have access to a government phonecard (parochial joke
for Australians), so I can't call people in those distant places. 

I do hope I didn't offend ANYONE. Thank you sincerely to EVERYONE who
replied and gave me info, that's all I wanted.



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