I've been a 313 lurker/poster for more than a decade or so now; a lot
of you I only know through the interwebs but have met a good few of
you in person.

Anyway I've been sitting on a web domain for a number of years for
some upcoming music projects and it's finally on the agenda to get the
site going and filled with music from myself and like-minded people.

This will be lean; no filler. Just posted mixes from quality people
and pointing to occasional releases. There's already plenty of great
existing blogs to go to for opinions and articles, this will strictly
be music to listen to.

Anyway might be hitting up some of you in the next month or so if you
want to share anything fun you're working on or record some sets. FYI
this isn't really a site to get anyone popular or any press, it's just
for heads to get on and listen to some good content, with minimum
level of bullshit.

Any 313ers feel free to email me if interested in some collaboration!

-Arturo in Chicago

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