Interesting - I'd be curious as to how that worked out as well.
On another note, I'll be presenting a radio special this Friday on the work or Matt Cogger, who passed away when I wasn't looking. For 313 content, he interned with Derrick May at Transmat, and baby-sat the label while Derrick was cutting a DJ swath through Europe. He has significant releases on Irdial. Buzz, and New Electronica, These days, significant artists and individuals are slipping away in droves - I don't think I really need to name all the names. Most distressing are the ones who slip away unbeknownst, like Laura Gavoor, who showed me much kindness and hospitality when I trekked to Detroit in '95 for the 10th anniversary Metroplex do. I never got to talk all that much to Matt. I did a radio special feature in '97 on Lee Purkis, Cogger, and Luke Slater. I got to talk to Luke and Lee at length, but Matt was working in a tony drinking establishment in London at the time, so our hours mere pretty much disjoint - I did manage to wake him up, which wasn't appreciated. I found out about his demise recently quite by accident when I was researching his Irdial Cosmat DJ set.

The special will be on Friday, Feb 5, 2016 at 10PM-2A Pacific time (GMT-8) on KFJC-FM, 89.7 ( Broadcasts are streamed live and archived for 2 weeks at

On 01/31/2016 06:55 PM, Patrick Wacher wrote:
This one is for the Melbourne crew,
Anyone get to see Jeff & Derrick playing with the Melbourne Symphony Orchestra on the weekend?

Personally i'm really not a fan of the techno orchestration thang, but none the less curious how it went down.


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