
On Mon., 22 Oct. 2018, 10:51 am Aidan O'Doherty, <aidan.b.odohe...@gmail.com>

> Bloody hell, what's with all the traffic? You wait ages on a bus, then all
> of a sudden loads of 313s arrive!
> Welcome aboard, Matt Deegan. This list has been a desert of discourse for
> a very long time, until the last few days.
> My name is Aidan O'Doherty, from Dublin, Ireland. I am simply an
> electronic music fan, an erstwhile record collector (used to have an
> extensive collection, mostly sold) and hobbyist DJ who loves a lot of
> techno/house music that has and still comes out of Detroit or is clearly
> inspired by the city.
> I have been on this list for 18 or 19 years and have never unsubscribed
> despite the serious drought in content over the last few years.
> I am usually a lurker, therefore not aiding with content, but did inspire
> a poll years ago (top five Detroit tracks) that Delsin's Marsel van der
> Wielen put on the NoMoreWords site (everyone's individual choices were kept
> there), which is gone now, or rather, transformed.
> Most of the communications on the list are civil (not always in the past),
> don't remember much in the way of racism, but my memory could be selective.
> Denise, feel free to call me a potato-eating, alcoholic Paddy anytime you
> want, I won't be offended, because it's all true.
> Glad to see names popping up again that I haven't heard from in ages.
> Yours in music,
> Aidan
> On Sat 20 Oct 2018, 13:02 , <denisedalph...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Introductions.
>> I’m Denise Dalphond. I wrote my dissertation on Detroit techno and house
>> music in 2014 after spending three years doing research and conducting
>> interviews with techno kings and queens in Detroit. I write about music and
>> activism at schoolcraftwax.work. I’ve published a lot about Detroit
>> electronic music. My CV is on my website.
>> In 2006, I organized and led the Roots of Techno conference at Indiana
>> University. Panelists were Theo Parrish, Terrence Parker, Rick Wilhite,
>> Marcellus Pittman, Minx, Mike Clark, Cornelius Harris, and two rad people
>> from the Detroit Historical Museum.
>> The Archives of African American Music and Culture at Indiana University
>> is where the video recordings of the conference are housed, as well as my
>> research materials and interview recordings.
>> I was co-founder if the Detroit Sound Conservancy with Carleton Gholz.
>> Together, we hosted educational tours of Submerge, created the Dan Sicko
>> scholarship for new Detroit journalists, and made plans for cultural
>> preservation in Detroit music culture.
>> I often make sure no one is being racist, but that’s been near impossible
>> on this listserv. They think I’ll stop.
>> I don’t make music because my time is full with my three kids and
>> everything else. I’m not a DJ because I would forget and start dancing and
>> make the needle jump. I do want to play on a modular synth someday.
>> Thanks for joining this listserv!
>> Denise Dalphond
>> On Oct 20, 2018, at 07:38, Matt Deegan <matt.i.dee...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> With that in mind I reckon I should introduce myself.
>> My name is Matt Deegan and I'm an electronic music producer from the UK
>> with a focus on techno. I've been involved in music in various forms over
>> the years starting as a jazz double bassist and more recently moving to
>> techno, using analogue electronic gear to produce on. I specialise in
>> improvised electronic music trying hard to tastefully fuse elements of jazz
>> into my sound.
>> I've become interested in the origins of techno and so started reading
>> books on and around the subject, and through that reading I found
>> Hyperreal. I think there is a large proportion of techno fans who have no
>> idea where or how it started, or are misinformed. I was definitely one of
>> them, and, although I still have a lot to learn, I now feel I have some
>> grounding in how it all began. I'm really interested in learning more and
>> this feels like a decent place to do it so. Any resources people can
>> recommend will be greatly appreciated!
>> As I said I am interested in understanding the origins of the music, but
>> at the same time I am also interested in supporting musicians trying to
>> push the boundaries of the genre. I am a schooled jazz musician and
>> composer and, although I am passionate about the music, I'm still trying to
>> wrap my head around exactly why I love it so much. There is something
>> fundamental within it I can't quite put my finger on which intrigues me.
>> Before I started reading about techno's history I though my musical journey
>> was unusual, but have since realised it isn't as unusual as I thought. This
>> realisation has helped me focus my sound and produce the work I'm most
>> proud of, which proves to me understanding the history of the music is
>> extremely important.
>> I could probably ramble on all day on the subject, but I'll leave it
>> there. There are links below to my stuff if anyone is interested, otherwise
>> I look forward to your reading what you write.
>> Best wishes,
>> Matt
>> ------------
>> I work under the pseudonym Epistrophe Smith, here's some links to my
>> stuff...
>> Main site: www.epsmith.net
>> An online ambient music project using an algorithm to never be the same
>> twice: http://neverendingalbum.myl2mr.com
>> On Sat, Oct 20, 2018 at 1:15 AM kent williams <chaircrus...@gmail.com>
>> wrote:
>>> For some reason we've had a bunch of new subscribers. I guess that is a
>>> challenge to us old timers to, uh, generate some compelling content.

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