On Tue, 5 Dec 2000, darw_n wrote:

> simple, techno is generally wordless and politically positionless, with none
> of the gaudy  projective layers of pop,  rap or whatever, like chorus and
> verse...

I don't think I can agree with what you've said here.

Yes, it certainly is true that techno doesn't have verses and choruses but
a lot of techno certainly does follow the four-bar or eight-bar or
sixteen-bar musical form that pop/rock/hip-hop follow.  You can even point
out bridges in some techno tracks.  But I don't think this is bad per se.
It's what a well done track does with these forms that is important, to me
at least.

Steven White
steve at barking cat dot org
aytch tee tee pea colon slash slash barking cat dot org slash

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