[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Andrew Duke) wrote:

in defense of Convextion:

he sent me two acetates about a year
or so ago and they were far far from
being "basic channel style dub with
roland strings on top"; they were quite
excellent, actually, and the material still
sounds fresh to this day.

I listened to the acetates that you debuted on your show and I would say
like his previous material on Matrix I hear a distinct Basic Channel
influence, there's also a string and pad element.
Of course, the real audio quality on your show was poor so I could be

listen to his tracks
on matrix's digital sects 2 compilation and
they still sound fresh 7 years later.

I am very familiar with his work on the Matrix label and it is
As far as sounding fresh 7 years later I think your being modest with
that statement.
Has it been 7 years? Damn, that was a long time ago.

his full length
is taking so long because he's got tons
of tracks done and keeps recording more
and more.

Thats not what I hear, but of course you are a reliable source one would

word is that this album will
be a *variety* of styles, not just tech-house.
convextion is too talented to settle for "copying";

That's good to know, I hope certain other American tech-house producers
(who like to work with "textures") take note when this album actually
does come out.

i'm sure the album will be extremely impressive.
hope this clears things up. thanks. andrew duke :)

Your not the only one with high expectations.
This is the follow up to those highly successful Convextion records on


PS, play more John Tejada on your Cognition Audio works show

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