> The last one has a guy in a raspy kind of voice
> saying,
> "well their is no love between us, anyyymoore" And it
> has a dark little synth after he says that. There's
> also samples of some lady saying, "he loves me, he
> loves me not" And there's a madonna sample saying,
> "Yeahhah" A little guitar sample too. Pretty clubby
> late 80's sounding. any ideas? thanks a lot.

Well, based on the "he loves me, he loves me not" line, my first guess, as
well, was PWEI with the track "Wise Up Sucker".........but, unless your
description was a little off, it was the band members singing that line,
definitely not a female vocal........and it was "she loves...", not
"he"........(don't want to sound like i'm nitpicking, but you've peaked my
curiosity and i'd really like to find out which track your thinking
of........80's nostalgia......)

Sorry if this just adds confusion.........

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