Check out the list manifesto. This list is not

I don't know about swearing though, some people reckon
swearing is filtered. Matt McQueen or George Smiley
would be the best people to ask about this.


--- David Bitterman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I would like to ask if anyone else on this list has
> had their posts
> intentionally omitted? There are several posts I
> have sent in on various
> things and about half of them get posted. The ones
> that don't are a little
> more extremely opinionated but are in no way out of
> line. I have heard of
> this and other lists being edited and I WARN anyone
> against having their
> content edited. Would you really like somebody else
> choosing and omitting
> your information? In effect, electronically thinking
> for you?? Basically a
> "group brain" defense mechanism, run by a
> unconscious agent?
> I say this as I know of various people who have been
> "removed" or banned
> from posting. While I don't know the exact nature of
> their posts I can only
> say that I can't imagine it being grounds for their
> removal from this list,
> especially considering they are some of the only
> people I know in this city
> writing some innovative, free form electronic music
> (when I say free-form I
> mean not necessarily being or attempting to be
> derivative of traditional
> "Detroit" techno. Whether or not its' being techno
> makes it derivative of
> "Detroit techno" is more a subject up the ally of
> the list members no doubt.
> I tend not to worry about such things ;)! and please
> remember the world is a
> vast and expansive place and to trace the roots of
> anything will ultimately
> lead us down the path to that endless beginning
> which is and always will be
> everything.
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