Yeah, it's about time I know because I need to get tickets (if the UR-crew
shows). Imagine having payed for train and hotel, then not buying tickets
for the show because you think they won't show, then finding out they do
perform and not being able to get tickets anymore. Oh boy, I can not be held
responsible for my actions if this occurs. Please visit me in prison then...

John, ever more confused, out

on 15/12/00 6:45 am, martin clark at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> oi 313? people shouldn't be so sceptical about UR in London.

Don't mean to be offensive but it's this kind of non-informative post that
make people sceptical.

> If you don't go: you'll be very disapointed.
> There's *very* special plans afoot.

Point proven, why not just post what you've heard?


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