This is getting a bit ridiculous. People do have to make certain sacrifices
to make it to these things. I have faxed Submerge and got no reply, I hear
conflicting information on a daily basis from self styled representatives,
friends of Ranx, Ranx himself, people who claim they were in contact with UR
in London recently and god knows who else. I don't mean to be rude Martin,
but why should I believe a word you tell me over all the other
circumstantial crap I've been hearing? You've heard John's dilemma, I could
have gone back home to Scotland for NY instead, and there are plenty of
other people who've gone out on a limb for this.

I'm not trying to point any fingers here, or presume the whole thing is a
sham - I've got my ticket and I'll go in the hope UR turn up - but if you
have something to tell us regarding this event, please make sure it's
informative and substantiated rather than mysterious bullsh*t. And for the
sake of people like John, if you *do* know something for sure, let us know,
or at the very least email John privately.


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