Robert Merlak wrote:

he wasn't R in RAC, that was Richard Benson...

my memory must be failing me as per usual - i thought Richard Benson was an Ian Pooley alias on Force Inc about 5 years ago?

Point Blank is a collaboration between Duckenfield and Brown.

i coulda sworn Jeroem Verhijj (sp?), aka Secret Cinema, was behind Point Blank "Meng's Theme" on R&S.

was/is there another Point Blank? i remember a Point Blank, or something similar, doing the first or second release on Dave Angel's Rotation label - is this the Duckenfield/Brown one?

Also while we are here... who is Swag ? I love their 'collected works 95-98'
I think it is just Chris...

Chris is also behind a house label called Primitive - the Primitive Tools series of records.


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