Most good dj's do this, Chris T... Only beginners need
to prearrange their sets. You're meant to just throw
records down... depending on how you feel at the time.
You've just gotta freestyle. The kind of freestyling
you do in your bedroom, you know how I mean?

- i like to arrange my different styles of records and place them in sections in my record box. then like you say - improvise and feel out the crowd and at the same time i know exactly where my secret weapons are ;) - another tip: as you practice freestyling (and maybe recording your bedroom sets and listening to them) you'll find records that work really well together and you'll keep that in the back of your head. i'm constantly finding new, exciting combinations from good old records.

Absolutely raw...:) - raw is good, lots of feeling and creativity.

> >
> > i saw a programme on improvisation a few years ago
> (I think it was
> > produced/presented by Derek Bailey) where house
> djs in New York said that
> > their sets are not usually planned beforehand but
> take form through
> > interaction with the responses of the dancers (as
> well I guess with other
> > djs and whatever inspires them at the moment).
> >
> >
> > chris t

Most good dj's do this, Chris T... Only beginners need
to prearrange their sets. You're meant to just throw
records down... depending on how you feel at the time.
You've just gotta freestyle. The kind of freestyling
you do in your bedroom, you know how I mean?

Still, a lot of good dj's also have a general idea of
what they want to play by keeping some records for the
end of the set and some for warming it up at the
beginning... If you can't do this you shouldn't think
yourself any good. You have to really push yourself if
you wanna be good but many dj's these days seem to
serve half measures and don't try their best...

Johnny Fiasco's "Shifted" and Dan Curtin's
"Extrapolation remixes" have been my favourite bombs
for aaaaages. Absolutely raw...:)

Nick (Dj Pacific:)

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