I agree. Clark played some beautiful tracks early in the night. Bill's set was deep and dubby at times and really was the most interesting show to the ear and he seemed to be having a great time. Bill made excellent use of filtered synth pads, syncopated rhythms, really nice hi-hat work, big, fat bass lines and an over all gorgeous sound. I think he's really starting to define a sound for himself and a fairly unique one at that.

Again full respect for Dale and Stewart. Stewart's show was interesting (it even made my wife want to dance at one point) but it seemed to lack variety. I mostly heard a lot of heavy kick and clicky hi-hats without much in between although he had some interesting rhythmical moments which he probably could have played out a bit longer (that's coming from a stewart walker fan). I heard Dale was having plenty of technical difficulties earlier in the night (broken sampler?). That's too bad as I really wanted to hear his live show but we left after a couple of Dale's tracks as everyone I was with was getting a bit tired.

What time did Dale end up playing until?

From: Michael Taylor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Roger John Lesinski Jr <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
CC: 313@hyperreal.org
Subject: Re: [313] tonight? Motor, Bill VanLoo ect...
Date: Thu, 28 Dec 2000 05:08:58 -0500


I caught a bit of Clark's set in the beginning of the evening, and he
played some excellent cuts, that one really great Norken cut off
Soulstatic Bureau comes to mind most readily.

Bill Vanloo played the first live set of the evening, and frankly, he
played the only one that mattered. I'm lukewarm on his earlier stuff,
but Bill really shined tonight. Interesting sound design and percussion
programming really made his set stand out. I think Bill is really
reaching for something, he gave one of the most refreshing and
innovative sets I have heard in along time. It was not perfect and there
were rough patches along the way, but they were utterly forgivable
because when he was on, HE WAS ON! BVL is the kid to beat in my mind,
and he is going to be one of the truly relevant Detroit artists in the
next decade.

Dale and Walker were all right, they did exactly what you would expect
them to do. I give them respect, they both did it better than I could,
but at the same time it was  uninspiring. They both absolutely nailed
the textbook definition of what is supposed to be good electronic dance
music at the end of the 90's, but perhaps that was the problem, how
relevant is that textbook anymore?

bottom line: Bill stole the show(even if the crowd was too dumb to
realize what they were hearing) It was raw, not always perfect, but
really fresh and it had a real creative fire and a hunger that was
lacking in the other more polished sets. Keep your eye on BVL because he
will be the one to watch in the next couple years. When he gets his s--t
together most of these cats aren't going to be able to touch him.

Take care,
Mike Taylor

Roger John Lesinski Jr wrote:
> Did anyone go to MOtor tonight to see Dale Lawerence and Stew Walker tonight? > How was the live PA's? I would like to hear a good review on what I missed on. > I am glad to see more live PA's rather than the ordinary stale d.j sets.
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