Last night was my worst experience doing a live set
                to date.  I thought my last set was a close call when
                my zip drive broke with all my data in it, but I
                somehow pulled it off after a midnight run to kinkos.
                This time my sampler completely fried--my worst fears
                realized since I've tweaked my set to be more sample

                I was calling emailing everyone I knew to see if they
                had a sampler I could borrow.  No luck, I thought the
                game was over, but after 11pm I got a phone call, from
                Jon O, the promoter, and he had actually pulled it off.
                I couldn't believe it, but at the same time I still had
                to get all my gear set up down at the club.  Needless to
                say I got there a little late, and still had to install
                all my mods and upgrades to the borrowed sampler on-site.
                We switched up the order and Stewart went on before me,
                allowing time to get the gear together and I went on
                at around 1:40am, without a soundcheck, and after my
                third song the lights came on.  Game over.  My seven
                hours of panic was concluded by an anti-climactic
                'warm up' as I didn't even get to the good stuff yet.
                Oh well, gear is gear and these things happen I guess.
                My gutted sampler is still sitting here beside me.

                Dale "I Should've Played Guitar" Lawrence

>Again full respect for Dale and Stewart. Stewart's show was interesting (it 
>even made my wife want to dance at one point) but it seemed to lack variety. 
>  I mostly heard a lot of heavy kick and clicky hi-hats without much in 
>between although he had some interesting rhythmical moments which he 
>probably could have played out a bit longer (that's coming from a stewart 
>walker fan).   I heard Dale was having plenty of technical difficulties 
>earlier in the night (broken sampler?).  That's too bad as I really wanted 
>to hear his live show but we left after a couple of Dale's tracks as 
>everyone I was with was getting a bit tired.
>What time did Dale end up playing until?

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