> > ------
> >
> > I seriously doubt that Richie Hawtin would agree it is a "fact" that
> > he has "limited the expression ... of his soul" whatsoever.  Nor that
> > his music is designed to let the listener "project *anything* he or
> > she wants *onto* the structured repetition ..."
> >

 maybe.  His productions, like consumed, are clear representations of him
his "soul".  But his DJing, he remains pretty quiet about it.  So we are
left only to ponder his intentions.  Again, I will state the the reasons for
an artist doing something can often be completely hidden and unrealized,
even to the artist him/her self...

> >
> > Richie Hawtin's DJing is another matter, I'd say.  Most of the times
> > I've seen him play he leans heavily toward the "sensation" side as
> > opposed to the "emotional" side

 explain what you mean here...

>  >The
> > Richie-is-god nonsense arises from appreciation for how well he does
> > it.  I find his DJing generally well crafted but not very compelling,

 And here is one of those statements similar to "richie has no soul".  And
again, I'll defend my assessment and continue with the proposition that
this, the lack of soul, is indeed the true beauty of it all.  The goal is
not to be compelled to understand richie, the goal is to be compelled by
what you put into the music while listening...

> >  The "total emotional liberation"
> > of hearing his music is no different than the same response to many
> > other kinds of music.

 I say not true.  To hear Oakenfold, the polar opposite of richie, is in no
way liberating.  Same with other art that is emotion "full".  You are stuck
trying to understand where the artist was coming from, and understand his
emotions.  I say that that is not liberating at all, it is very restrictive.

Again, I will reflect on all the art opening I have attended.  So many
times, I watched people try to undertand the artists emotions when viewing a
canvas with one color.  What a waste of emotion I thought!!  Why not have
the viewer tell his or her story instead, and make that canvas unique to
each and every viewer, have them project all there emotions onto the work
instead of trying to understand the artists.  THAT'S some serious creation
there!!  The modernists were onto this, but their pride got in the way
("ahhh, these damn viewers don't understand my art!!!") and they wanted
everyone to see there emotions instead...

> > imho of course

 same here ;)


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