That could well be true.  But I have spoken to people from Detroit who have
said similiar things. I am not sure about the word "entertainment", that is
kinda reductive and dismissive, to me anyway. It's artistry but a different
manifestation of it.

>getting off topic, and i honestly don't say this in some kind of bullsh*t 
>i'm-from-detroit kinda way, but until you've seen rich at a Small Detroit 
>Event, 5:00am, sweat pouring down the walls, no lights on, the whole room 
>erupting, you haven't seen him.  what he does at events around the world, 
>that i've seen, is certainly great, but it's not the same.  rightly so.
>true enough about the physicality of stacey (totally fun), and i know rich 
>also has a more clinical side/reputation, so maybe what you say about the 
>laptop is true.  but having seen several plastikman live shows, i kinda 
>doubt it.  from what i can gather however, this is not a 
>sit-behind-the-laptop proposition.  and considering that rich has referred 
>to this as "the death of vinyl", i'll be really interested to see what happens.
>btw - none of this degrades the 'entertainment' (for lack of a better word) 
>value of djs like stacey.  i love to see stacey, derrick carter, claude.. 
>people who really get physically into it.  and it's always cracked me up 
>how acquaviva can have the room going OFF and he looks like he's reading 
>the newspaper... ;)

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