You have to remember that half of the guys on this
list now are children between 16-21 y o. This isn't a
personal attack either... but if you're as grown up as
you say you are you need to just take it like a pinch
of salt... just ignore it... 

Forgot those d*cks... If they bring up a good point
then fair enough but there is never any need for them
to be abusive... Some people never ever grow up and
there are a hell of a lot of w*nkers on this list...
It is impossible to strain all of these people out
because they make up the bulk of society... 

I have been that kind of t*sser before... when I was
about 16 or 17, I kept sending dirty emails to Isla
Fisher (remember her?). She actually replied to
some... and was really nice, put me down softly... 

"An answer, when calm, turns away rage...", from the
Bible (but I don't know exactly where:) Time to stop
now... Tosh etc. can go and find some new friends...

Take care,

--- Cyclone Wehner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I don't think it's funny at all. I can't see why we
> couldn't just continue
> to discuss it in a grown up manner. If we had
> misconstrued points they could
> have been cleared up. People can disagree without it
> getting personal. I
> never made a personal attack on Tosh. I thought he
> had originally raised an
> interesting issue.
> What's more, I was singled out when others made
> similar points - with
> irrelevant slurs on my nationality (even more
> irrelevant since I'm wog
> anyway) and level of intelligence.
> >this is, by FAR, the funniest post of the year!!
> >
> >I am going to carry bony and rabbit fur everywhere
> I go!!
> >
> >I swear, this is getting printed and going on the
> wall or something...
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