At 10:36 1/02/01 +1100, Conway, Simon wrote:
there is a classic album on djax by ismistik -'remains' i think it's called
- really lush early carl craig/psyche sound off it - overlooked amongst
along the dross that was out on djax at the time.  there are 3 12"'s too
which are all worth picking up.

yep.. this is the album i was listening too... very smooth. it's funny because i mixed an old bfc track in afterwards.

I've got the 12"s that they did as well. I love this stuff, but it seems that none of the new generation have experience this slower, smoother sound of techno. Now I hear a fair bit of stuff, but I don't get to see as much of this as I'd like. Of course there's all the artists who have been making this sound for a while... from Russ Gabriel, Ian O'Brien, Carl Craig, John Tejada for examples... but is there a newer wave of people bumping this stuff out?


benn [royal] glazier

australia - we is so electrik

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