I used to ask myself questions like that but working closely with promoters
you see just what a risk it is touring anyone - the outlay is enormous when
you take into account travel, accommodation, for the DJ alone, plus you have
inflation by GST, the rising petrol prices, and also the unfavourable
exchange rate.

There are good young promoters in Perth and Melbourne coming up who want to
tour acts nationally but they don't want to bite off more than they can
chew, thereby getting a bad name for themselves from a business point of
view, so if they think they will be unable to afford someone or not make a
success of a tour they will postpone it until they know they can - and this
is a good thing. Often promoters need to set up national dates to recoup,
and the artists themselves want to make that long journey worthwhile, so
this is why artists don't come out - because only one city can take on the
gig. What also happens is that sometimes interested promoters in various
cities have other committments so they can't take on someone touted to them
for a specified date. I think this is why we're not getting Mike Grant in
Melbourne - several good folk really want to do it but feel they are
unprepared or have other things on and when they do it they want to give
Mike one hundred percent. Generally, this is why it's important to set up
dates in advance.

Sydney is not known for having a big techno scene and many a time gigs with
good artists have not come off, period.

>..for that matter - when the heck is Max Duley coming to Australia?

With that one, I would think it's because promoters feel that the public
would not know his work. To be honest I'm gonna need some prompts here!!

>When is Jay Denham coming?

This was supposed to happen in Jan but was postponed. I know the promoter
but I don't know the reasons. The same guy is working on some other names
that Australians on this list will be happy about.

>When is John Tejada coming back?

Not sure but the girl who hooked up that tour last time is living in Japan
for a few months.

>When is Oliver Ho coming Back?

Hardware Corp toured Oliver for the first time last year. I will say this
for Hardware that they are very good at breaking in new DJs in this country
- they took up Ian Pooley years and years ago before he was big, Patrick
Lindsey and many from the Swedish side of things quite early on. They also
did Mark Ambrose just last year. I am sure they will bring Ho back. However,
many Australian promoters who do big events such as Hardware are very
conscious of the economic factors I mentioned above and for this reason they
may want to stick to the tried and tested, those with established fan bases
or a name. They have been very open about that. I am sure they will bring
Oliver back as he impressed all. The only thing I would say is that he
played deep and maybe that was a little over the heads of the average young
techno kid. The club event he played in Melbourne was very well set up but I
am not sure how he would go down at a big rave here, so maybe the promoters
are waiting for a suitable time to do a nightclub event.

>When are they coming to SYDNEY? 

Oliver played Sydney last year!! He probably has more of a fanbase in
Melbourne since his music is played here more? I heard that Sydney gig was
very quiet, though I could be wrong.

>When? When? When?
>We've all SEEN Jeff Mills, We've all HEARD Jeff Mills - how about
>giving someone ELSE a go EH?

To be fair, Jeff is enormously popular here - he is an incredible DJ, an
interesting artist, so people want to see & hear him! I am grateful he now
comes annually. It's a treat. This time I think (I am going by the Axis
dates and what Hardware are moving towards, so don't shoot the messenger) he
will be playing club dates in Melbourne not a rave type thing. This is
something we've always wanted, it will give him so much more room to move,
and people are unbelievably excited, so it will be a very different and
rewarding set-up for all - great sound systems in all venues too!!. I really
hate this idea of disposability and I am proud that Australians, unlike the
mentality fostered by the UK media, are very loyal to several generations of
DJs, moving with them instead of just following the next big thing. Jeff
still is among THE definitive techno DJs, a master and consummate

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