I saw some UK guy posted something similar on the Axis site about Sydney and
I can't post on it unless I got to a cafe and use a different computer.
Sydney is unpredictable with techno, even though the DJs and promoters are
passionate, it's hard as the music culture is not large but the magazines
support it, which is pleasing. The Jeff Mills gig last year was amazing!!
Keep in mind that DJ Rolando did extremely well in Melbourne mid Winter at
Innovator and the promoter who worked in ass off and agonised over every
small detail was well pleased. I saw people at that event who I never see at
techno events - like people from the Latin, hip-hop communities out to
support Rolando. Brisbane we have all given up on - even the dance music eds
there, who have great taste, joke about it. But the weather is nice. You
can't have everything!!

The way to get tours happening is ultimately word of mouth - spread the
word, get people talking about them, lend CDs to friends, jump up and down
about them on these lists. One street mag here did a story on an imaginary
drum 'n' bass DJ to test out a similar theory and had promoters calling up
wanting their details to book them!

>The last time Brisbane AU was host to Mills they
>booked of all [EMAIL PROTECTED] performers, Marmion alongside
>Mills, so they could pull a crowd. 

>When it was time for Rolando, Juan and Derrick [May]
>to play here so many people had the same question on
>their lips about them.

>> Sorry fact of life in this town.   Look how many
>> people Rolando 
>> got...  500-600.  Ridiculous.

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