I just browsed through the sight, and it's pretty
nice. A little lacking in content, but being so new
it's to be expected.  The interviews are well done
IMHO.  It would look nicer to have them all listed in
a pull-down menu under the heading "Interviews", with
the interview of the month listed on the front page
right next to the menu.  The soundbytes contest is
tough, I recognize everything but have no clue as to
the answers, I guess I'm just not old-skool enough ;)
I would like to know #4 eventually.
  My one other critique - I'd like to see a different
background color.  Maybe it's just my old monitor, but
it's a greenish-yellow, not the nicest of colors. 
Hope this helps.


p.s. lookin' forward to the Dan Bell interview

--- Stewart Caig <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi
> I've been running www.worldtechnonation.com for 2
> months now and am looking
> for any feedback in order to develop the site
> further. The site has recieved
> a good number of hits, but so far very few people
> have entered the
> competition. I know only a CD has been up for grabs
> the past 2 months, but
> other than that are the soundbites too obscure for
> many? Also any comments
> regarding the interviews and artists section would
> be most appreciated. Are
> there any artists or features people would like to
> see?
> All feedback to me privatley will be most
> appreciated
> Regards
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