the simple answer is that moby is outside this sphere - he seems to have more in common with britney spears. his music has been watered down by its overuse in what seems like every bloody car ad on tv. his music has instant appeal across the board, ie for the masses, as it's, imo, inoffensive and bland.

this is the man who turned his back on electronic music (with his album animal rights), saying it was dead, but quickly changed his tune when his album failed to shift. silly bugger.

From: Mxyzptlk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [313] is moby still Techno
Date: Thu, 22 Mar 2001 08:16:30 -0600

This is certainly a question for the 313 FAQ.

DJ HEAT wrote:

> I keep seeing Moby everywere TV, AWARD SHOWS, lite
> radio stations like the river. do you still consider
> him part of the underground click or has he sold out?



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