On Tue, 3 Apr 2001, ryan burns wrote:

> the other week i picked up the new planet e double.  its got a track buy 
> Titonton thats tight.
> I was just wondering what other tracks people like from him.  hes got some 
> stuff on Residual and a double called Voyeurism (i think).

i have the remixes of Voyerism on Starbaby. Can't remember what tracks
and remixes there was, and by whom. Anyway, good 12". I also like that
"Extrapolation remixes" 12" on Metamorphic - it's quite nice. Although,
once again, can't remember who did the remixes, it's a bit electro-y
stuff, but not the current retro-80's or detroit-electro -styles. More
like electro in Metamorphic way, ie it's really weird.

A dream will always triumph over reality, once it is given the chance.
                -- Stanislaw Lem

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