> But bringing it back to 313, I saw Recloose spin here in San Francisco a
> month or so ago, and I was struck with the way that he seems to be fusing
> Detroit techno and the broken beat/future soul sound.  There are certainly
> elements of Detroit techno running through the entire genre, especially with
> Nubian Mindz (and now a feedback loop's been created, with Planet E
> licensing The Good Good), but Recloose--at least in his DJ style--seems
> unique in combining the silvery hammered-metal sounds of classic machine
> funk with these pockets of deep, deep soul.  Amazing stuff, and it makes me
> wonder what his next recordings are going to be like.  I don't know of
> anyone else spinning like that--if there is, I'd love to hear them.


Try the recent Titonton Duvante mix on Betalounge.com if you haven't
already. I'm a big fan of Recloose's too... he came and played down here in
New Zealand last year and was mind-blowing, as you say. Anyways, that
Titonton mix is the most satisfying thing I've found since. The good news is
the Recloose is starting his own label with some Detroit friends, which is
being launched at the DEMF.

Now, if only I wasn't living a squillion miles away.
Them's the breaks I guess.

PS. The Recloose remix of Loqate (Orin Walters from Bugz In The Attic) on
Ubiquity is the one I'm looking forward to. Out any day now I think.

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