>I always thought napster really came into its own with difficult to find
>underground stuff. I have found mp3's of tracks I sure as hell wouldnt
>be able to find on record... Guess I downloaded a copy of french kiss
>just in time. Artists dont get royalties from second hand sales, so if a
>track is way out of print it might as well be available in some way. Any
>serious music lover dislikes the quality of mp3's anyway - so its not
>like they wouldnt buy it if they could.

The second hand issue is a good (and oft forgotten) point but at least the
artist has (in theory) recouped a little off that same product. Then of
course there are CD burners. 

All my friends like Napster - DJs love them - but I am old skool and enjoy
having a disk/record in my hands with the artwork and credits, etc. I think
Napster is the way of the future, but it has to be more equitable - not so
much for the corporates but the smaller independent artists, like techno
producers.  I think Chuck D's arguments are fairly sound - he is on the
money that guy.

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