If you ever get a chance you should check out UR live.
Seeing UR/Red Planet performing Amazon with no sequences
is something else!

On Wed, 18 Apr 2001, Rhythm Droid wrote:

] A bassist (like Jaco or Squarepusher) with an acoustic bass, an electric 
] bass with some pedals (like wah and bass synth), an SH-101, and a strap-on 
] controller controlling a MIDI'd 303.  The bassist would also have the 
] ability to trigger little arpeggios or patterns or loop and manipulate his 
] own playing.
] That'd be sick.  Maybe it'll happen someday?

Maybe. However most producers are single entities. You rarely see large groups
(or groups at all) in our field of music. I gather this is because once that
happens, autonomy of production is lost and most producers like to have total
control over their work. If you had Earth-Wind-Fire sized electronic groups (7
members or maybe even more), then you could more than likely see these people
get out front and play one (maybe even two) instruments real time live. Its
humanly impossible to control 10-15 instruments with only one person playing
all of them live, so most people use Midi Sequencers to control playback of
the tracks because they dont have 10 brains, 20 arms, and 20 eyes to all
monitor, play, and time 10 or more different instruments at
once. Improvisation can still occur, that's for sure, but the experience you
seem to be after is one more based around other forms of music played live.


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