I just got a laptop yesterday (one of our older models here at work)
and I've been thinking of ways to make it more interesting to use in a
"live" show. I think what I'm going to end up doing is using the laptop as
the master clock for whatever gear I'm using and also to provide a touch of
sequencing and automated patch changes. Everything else will be on me. Drum
pattern changes/augmentation will be done on the fly, playing a bassline or
two will be done live (some of the time, I can let the pc take over after a
while so I can do other stuff), programming effects can be done live from a
control surface of some kind, ect., ect...

     Maybe it's just me, but I feel like what I DO up there is just as
important as what come out of the speakers while I'm standing there.

[EMAIL PROTECTED] on 04/20/2001 09:49:10 AM

To:   313@hyperreal.org
Subject:  [313] Live shows...

i agree with the coment below...been thinking about this thing for quite
i while, what is "live" and what is "less" live?

i don?t mind people that use laptops, but as for me, i can?t see people
X bucks to see me play live with a mouse and a computer. and belive me, the
has crossed my mind, while i?ve been breaking my back and my gear, carrying
around airports. it would be so nice to just have one piece of equipment
that you
could take with you on the plane. but the only thing is that i?m not sure
how people
would appriciate it and how fun i would have sitting infront of a laptop
away... i got an mpc because i was sick of looking into a monitor while

dunno, feel like an rockmusician that would claim that playing techno live
or producing
it isn?t actually playing music...it?s so ignorant and i hate myself for
thinking that
way, and when reading rythm droids comments, it just reminds me that the
music is the
important thing to listen to but i can?t help thinking of the
part of a live performance to. i would love to have people just carrying on
dancing during a live-set, but usually, everyone?s just end up
standing/moving infront of the stage as if it was a rock-concert.


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