that told me then. fair enough.

but everytime i've heard carola
he always drops it deep for about an hour or so
playing question, bc and g-man trax.


----- Original Message -----
To: paul <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; David Bitterman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; 313
Sent: Saturday, April 21, 2001 5:48 AM
Subject: [313] Re: art vs. get rich quick scheme

> Whoa, this is a little out of hand, and quite off the mark...
> First off I suppose I should have made myself a bit clearer...  I was more
> referring to these guys DJ sets more than their tracks...  They all tend
> just bang away, and my personal preference, (not saying it's the only way,
> just the way I like) is a DJ that at least in some way takes you
> somewhere...  Not just pounding through an hour of your life....  Yes the
> question records are good, I have them all...  But Carolla doesn't play
> that live...  Or at least I have never heard of him playing his deeper
> slower stuff...  My remarks were in response to the idea of these guys not
> being at the DEMF and I was commenting on their DJing...  I love and play
> alot of those guys tracks...  I'm not necessarily knocking all of their
> production work...  Especially their more recent stuff where they have
> expanded into more than just compressed minimalism...  DJ wise they do
> to have the same style/sound...  Except maybe Gaetano....
> As far as insulting my understanding of the vibe of harder/experimental
> techno styles, you are just way off the mark...  I was heavy into Beyer,
> Parisio, and the like between the years of 96 and 99...  But after a while
> just started hearing the same record over and over again...  So I started
> listen to some different stuff and went back to the classics and more
> material coming straight out of Detroit again...  My knowledge and record
> collection as far as the Swedish and Italian scenes is quite extensive...
> think you may have jumped the gun with your attacks...
> And as far as the disco house comment...  You are just killing me...  Yeah
> like house that's deep, and some of it has disco samples in it, but look
> my Carl Craig collection, or my great admiration for Aril Brikha's work,
> my old school freestyle collection, or my Herbert collection that spans
> gamet of his work, or my love for latin jazz...  Don't make me laugh....
> trying to Pigeon-hole me into one type of music is rediculous...
> The get rich quick aspect of it came from the idea that they were
> new records at a rate of almost twice a month for some time that sounded
> same as the last almost...  I understand that that was their genre, and
> their thing....  it's cool...  I wasn't making a personal attack on their
> character, just an observation...  Sometimes people on this list are so
> touchy...
> I was not attacking you or your tastes, just making a few comments...
> - sb
> One Ear to the Ground Communications
> (Coming Soon!!)
> AIM: sbtotheground
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