it was chaos, but damn would i have liked to be there when they broke open the atm machines!

From: "John Osselaer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [313] DEMF vs. Woodstock
Date: Wed, 02 May 2001 21:05:53 +0200

Listen, I've never seen a party get so out of hand than that edition of
Woodstock about, what?, two years ago? Man, what was that all about? If this
kinda thing would happen on a dance event like for instance Dance Valley in
Holland (60.000 visitors and one of the best in Europe, lots of 'cheese'
though) I wouldn't even considering going back. The footage we got to see
here about that Woodstock edition seemed totally out of this world. At least
for a music event. Don't get started about European soccer madness because
that's another story I don't get. Sometimes the wrong people get drawn to
phenomena and that...  brings us back to Ford.

John, getting involved again now he had internet by cable, out

From: christos <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
CC: pk what? <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [313] DEMF vs. Woodstock
Date: Wed, 2 May 2001 14:30:06 -0400 (EDT)

(313kids, I sent this to [EMAIL PROTECTED], and thought that you guys might be
interested to, if you are as bored as I am.)

Someone posted eralier about comparing the two events.  Here is what I
think of the two (let me know if this format fucks up):

                        DEMF                    Woodstock
Attendence:   1.5 million (though this    500,000
              was the 3 day total, so
              like if you went 3 days
              you were counted twice.
              I believe on the last
              day alone though, the count
              was 750,000, so like we
              know that at least that
              many DIFFERENT people
              were there)

Location:     Heart Plaza: Detroit, MI    Some farm: Bethel, NY

The Crowd:    To quote a DPD officer,     Hippies.
              "this crowd is soo cool
              diffrent: and its the most
              diverse I have ever seen."
              (we all remember the old
              lady getting down to James
              Brown, and the dude with
              the jesus sign, that was
              boppin to the beats)

Music:        Electronic Music: the MOST   Rock, and shitty folk: Not even
              popular music IN THE WORLD   the most popular music in the
                                           US (RnB is now #1) as its
                                           popularity is RAPIDLY declining
                                           in most of the western world
                                           (and never really got *that*
                                           popular in the rest of the
                                           world).  Though it was THE
                                           music of that generation.

# o' artists: 70                           32

importance:   The first ever large scale   Taken from a woodstock site*:
              event that, celebrates the   "True believers call Woodstock
              worlds most popular music    the capstone of an era devoted
              in the city where it all     to human advancement.  Cynics
              began.  Also the first time  say it was a fitting,
              that the city of Detroit     rediculous end to an era of
              had a large scale cultural   naivete.  Then there are those
              event that had blacks,       who say it was just a hell of a
              whites, hispanics, rich,     party...For four days, the site
              poor, homosexual, hetero,    became a countercultural mini-
              suburban, inner city, blue   nation in which minds were
              collar, white collar, etc.   open, drugs were all but legal
              partying TOGETHER (this is   and love was 'free.'"
              a BIG DEAL for Detroit, as
              well as an odd occurence in
              the US in general).

Drugs:        Drugs were there, but open   Have you ever heard a Woodstock
              usage was not very common    story that wasnt about
                                           drugs?  (sorry this is turning
                                           into a "its all about the music
                                           y0!" post)

* source:

Basically, I think that Woodstock *might* have been the biggest event in
the states, though its significance and influence is decrasing at rapid
rates.  As a HUGE fan of rock (especially Metal) and blues, I can honestly
say that in the last few years, Rock And Roll is DYING.  The alternative
explosion in the early 90s was very cool, as the counterculture of rock
resurfaced but recently, pop, rNb, and commercial rap and hip hop have
been FAR more commerically sucessful.

Electronic dance music, on the other hand, can be heard in just about
every somewhat developed country in the world, and is continuing to grow.
The significance of a HUGE electronic music event on a global scale is far
more significant than a rock equivalent, ESPECIALLY when you factor in the
fact that the event was located at the city of the music's birth.  (Rock
was "born" in cleveland btw.)

I'm just ranting now, arent I?  Sorry.  I am bored at work.

Christos Michalakis
Hellenic Students Association

a: 701 E. Kingsley #3. A^2 MI. 48104
p: 734.730.4297
aol im:  Zagori98


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