[Greg Malcolm <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>]
> might be, but woodstock ushered in the era of huge outdoor festivals and 
> arena rock and eventually prog-rock...music became big business in the 
> 70's...in other words woodstock was the beginning and end of an era.

While I don't totally agree with this, I see what you're saying...  I
can definitely see DEMF leading to the same thing, too.  If the whole
Area One thing and DEMF pan out for Ford, I won't be surprised if other
companies pick this up as well...  

> R&B and Rap are the two biggest forms of music by sales volumes anyhow, at 
> least in this country...sad.

I don't really see why this is sad.  R&B and Hip Hop are the two most
innovative forms of pop music right now by far.  Producers like
Timbaland and the Neptunes have found that perfect balance where they
can get as weird as they want while still maintaining their pop
sensibilities (rock critic euphemism for "selling out").

I think the main point of my original e-mail that a lot of people missed
was that Woodstock was a spontaneous thing.  The promoters weren't ready
for nearly that many people and the whole thing got completely overrun.
The gates were crashed and the hippies just kind of took over.

Also, a lot of the people on here seem to think we're talking about one
of those Woodstocks from the 90's...  Those were wack.

:: atomly :: 

http://www.atomly.com | http://www.mp3.com/atomly           

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