> Electronic music has already been exploited and torn apart by business
> around the world, but Woodstock still had a purity to it.  

Amen adam,
They will hopefuly go down in musical history as being special for very
different reasons. The DEMF was a unique chance for a genre to get noticed
by mainstream america on its own terms. 

> I'm not saying that DEMF was not important, but it's presumptuous to
> say things like electronic music is the most popular music in the
> world while rock is dead (especially given that in the context of
> Woodstock, rock was anything but dead).
> Also, electronic music still isn't the most popular form of music in the
> world unless you're going to try to include R&B and Hip Hop in
> electronic music.

It's also pretty damn presumptous to say that rock is dead now. People who
say rock is dead are oblivous or ignorant to good rock, in my opinion.
Just like if you say all hip hop is commercialized, you're oblivious to
what a lot of people are doing.

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