On Wed, 2 May 2001, atomly wrote:
> Woodstock was a much more important event in the history of music than
> DEMF, though.
> Woodstock marked the time when the hippies established themselves as a
> force.  Nobody cared about Country Joe or Jimi Hendrix before that.
> Woodstock was amazing because it wasn't planned to be huge while they
> were anticipating huge crowds at DEMF.  

You know most of you weren't alive for the first Woodstock.  When
the festival was happening, it made the national news, but it's not
like it captured everyone's imagination.  The real buzz on it came
with the record and the movie, after which people began mythologizing
it all out of proportion.  If you took a poll right now that asked
everyone over 45 if they were at Woodstock, probably 3 million of
them would say they were. It's turned into a creation myth for 
counterculture, when really it was a half million white college
kids behaving badly. Not unlike spring break in Miami Beach, only
with more mud.

This happened in 1969, after all -- hippies
were well established.  In fact, by 69, the hippy scene had really

Comparing DEMF to woodstock is silly; for one thing, ain't no way
we'll have near enough mud. Or LSD.

DEMF was cool last year. A whole lot more people will be there this
year, so we'll see.  It's more about the music and the 100 or so
internet friends who will be there for me -- in other words, a Netmeet
with beats.

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