I've recently acquired a marvelous CD : "The sound of Science" compiled by
Kirk Degiorgio and Ian O'Brien. It is a great selection of relatively
obscure jazz / early funk / early disco tracks, plus a couple by the two
producers - and I'd heartily recommend it to anyone who doesn't know much
about jazz and is interested to see how music evolved from jazz to techno...
A couple of questions though :
- it has been released on a label named Obsessive (cat # EVSCD004) - what
else is there on this label ? are they worth hunting ?
- Mr Degiorgio appears twice, once under his Elegy guise, with a track named
"Kaleidoscope", and once under his Super-a-loof guise, with a track named
"Patience" - could anyone telle me whether these are unreleased elsewhere,
or where they come from ?
Thanks in advance !

I also take this as an opportunity to recommend Mr Degiorgio's website,
http://www.kirkdegiorgio.com (someone else on this list pointed me there in
the first place) - he has put up some great pages about his favorite records
etc - I wish more producers, DJs and musicians would do the same...


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