Being Canadian, I feel somewhat removed or exhonerated from any duty to fight back against the US government, but this voice of dissent on a techno list can only echo so far. I'm totally with you in your fight but if you really feel it, it's got to stretch further than 313. Everyone's in the same boat so now's the time to start petitions, email your local politicians, become part of Public Interest Research Groups, or take some type of action.

The microsound community is employing their art for political purposes and is planning a noise demonstration on the White House lawn (a la Black Flag/ Minor Threat - punk for those who aren't familiar). In fact, a number of noise artists staged a similar "concert" two weeks ago in Quebec city during the FTAA Summit of the Americas.

Like I say, being in Canada makes me an armchair activist of sorts in this regard but it seems so unAmerican to see America so passive during this entire electoral debacle...


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