i think that what nick and diane are saying is right..to use the ford motor 
company as basically a rich aunt and go to their festival and be glad someone 
forked over some cash to foot the bill for the talent that we are going to get 
to see and the production but yet not to be all showing gratitude by buying 
their car. i think somehow though that maybe demf lost a little bit of it's 
majick but not all...the music is free still and it's not lost any of it's 
quality. until i see keoki headlining, i won't bitch too much.

the only problematic thing that ford focus could possibly do at this point is 
try and charge admission for the detroit electronic music festival somewhere 
down the line. they credit the success of their automobile on their ad campaign 
and i guess they think they can sell us more cars by sponsoring a music 
festival to "get their automobile more attention" or whatever. i don't think 
most of us are going to "buy into it". their ad campaign is brilliant and j 
walter thompson (the ad agency that did the commercial in question) did a 
wonderful job of putting the commercial together (too bad the rest of their 
commercials are pure shite...i pretty much watch commercials for a living and i 
did a bit of research on them in the company database...heh...basically, that 
commercial was a one-off for them with the ford motor company who uses a few 
other ad agencies with a much better track record, imho. that commercial was 
truly a fluke.) if you read up on all the press releases done by the !
ford motor company, apparently the ad campaign did its job and sold a lot of 
cars. the ford focus did win awards for car of the year in both america and 
europe, too. i don't think it had anything to do with a bunch of technoheads 
buying the car, though, because i think most of us are smarter than that. i 
don't know a single soul personally who bought one of them and i sure know i 
wouldn't. i just don't know how long the ford focus sponsorship will last if 
their sales start dwindling. 

i do believe that when people start getting too much recognition for their 
creative efforts, a lot of the time, production quality starts disappearing. 
out of that, comes stagnation and the inability to further create. too many 
people are content to rest upon their laurels instead of being moved to 
innovate and forge further into their art. but there are always going to be the 
people who are in their basements or bedrooms who are unknown who create a 
sound never heard before and it will replace the "same ol' same ol'" and 
eventually, we will all come to the realization that if you don't think forward 
and move forward, you get left behind, just the same way a lot of producers of 
the past are who just don't feel the need to keep current with their ideas. 
there is the recognition that their material was innovative and inspiring, but 
i think most of us are intelligent enough to discern the difference between 
being good NOW and being good THEN. this is why i give recognition to cer!
tain djs and producers, yet i don't feel that just because i enjoy their older 
stuff and they paved the way for artists whom i enjoy now, that i have to book 
them, listen to their stuff that has completely fallen off in quality, or buy 
their cds or whatever just because of who they are. too bad not everyone 
recognizes that. i am just glad that there will always be people out there who 
will make something that isn't tired and played and will produce quality 
releases and not just rest on past triumphs.

just my personal opinions, take 'em or leave them...

 "nothing is an end
          because it can always be used
                 as a basis for something new and different."
                                        -keith haring
                    [EMAIL PROTECTED]         


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