First of all, a big WORD UP to what Laura G. said about the corporatization 
of the music.

> *Re the part about ford: Ford is trying to label or
> brand Detroit techno.They want to own this. They want
> to reach a point where 'techno=cool=fun=Ford' and one
> owes itself to the other. I owe this eye opener to
> Miss G.

Yeah, that's right. And lest we not forget, the automobile industry has used 
and abused the working people of Detroit for years and years, and really 
fucked a lot of folks. I'm not from Detroit, but I know a little something 
about this. I think GM was probably the worst. A good starting point is the 
movie "Roger and Me" by Michael Moore. That guy breaks it down. 

In my view, corporate interests are looking to subsume and co-opt 
so-called "subcultures" and "counter-cultures" alot these days; to exploit 
them for their profit motives whilst rendering the art form into a soulless, 
saccharine shell. In this regard, it seems like Ford is zeroing in on Techno 
and Detroit music right now. This leaves me a little uneasy, and I think 
people should heed the word of folks like Mad Mike a little more these 
days. This music, to me, is about the people and should be for the 
people, not some corporate agenda that involves rich white people getting 
even richer. I know, I'm a little hardcore but, that's just the way I see it... 
and I think people need 2 recognize.

> The only way they'll own it is if its allowed. I'm not
> saying ban the DEMF or Ford's money. But rather, use
> them as the rich aunt. Sure, throw the money around
> all you want-but it doesn't mean I'm suddenly going to
> praise you or acknowledge you in my life liner notes.

This is shaky ground though... it's been shown repeatedly that 
muthaf**kas are pretty quick to sell out for that cheddah. It's more 
addictive than crack cocaine.


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