> "'We let him know that we are one, and he has our support, but we just 
> want Detroit to be recognized at the festival," said May. "Everybody's 
> coming here to be down with the source -- not the people who imitate the 
> source.'"

I was going to point out this quote as well... who the hell on that lineup
does derrick may consider an "imitator?" True, it's not detroit
talent. But I don't see anyone on there that I'd even remotely call a
detroit imitator.  It almost sounds like he's trying to imply that
anything not from detroit is inherently an imitation.  I'd like to think
he doesn't have his head that far up his ass, but it's hard to see what
else he'd mean.

True, the lineup isn't as representative of detroit talent as it was last
year, but I'd hardly call anyone on there an imitator.


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