Here's my two cents as an "elitist writer" ... not that posting to 313 (i.e. preaching to the choir) will make a difference.

I can't say I'm surprised at the Craig/Marvin situation. It was bound to happen sooner or later. Do you all remember when Chicago had so much more drama than Detroit? Welcome to the big leagues, folks.

I *am* a bit surprised and quite a bit disgusted at Ms. Marvin's timing. Of course I understand that there were probably some very specific reasons why she did what she did *when* she did.

Whatever the reasons, I seriously doubt the festival will find someone with the same kind of ear and A&R instincts as Carl. Yes, there are several people right here in town that would be good, but given that from here on out we'll have creative input by committee, I don't think we'll ever get to find out.

Creativity by committee may be good for business, but it won't make for a great festival.

I'll be there this year, but next year doesn't look promising.


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