Just wanted to say I was pretty much blown away by the show we did
last night with Cex,Marumari, and Stars as Eyes.

Stars as Eyes played some stuff that I thought was really good, an
excellent addition to the tigerbeat6 roster. Very much in the genre --
occasional forays into wacky digital noise, but with a real core
of actual musicality.

Marumari was rocking stuff that's obviously from wolve's hollow
and supermogadon but a lot harder and dancier that the album.  He
actually has a stage presence, jacking his body to the music and
giving a little smirk when he starts bringing in something that
knows will feel good.

Cex was here in April, and rocked the joint, but the intervening
20 odd shows have really sharpened him up both as an MC and all around
entertainer.  And his new beats are really, really tight.  He played
some of his new stuff @ the record store today, and leaving the
hype and controversy aside (which, near as I can tell, is largely
confined to a few crabasses on IDM) he really is an excellent musician
and producer. 

Not only that, he really captivates a crowd. People dig him. He is 
someone we'll be able to bring back to IC, and the word
of mouth will make each show bigger than the last.  Haters need
to loosen up the tighty whities and have a little fun for once.

Before and after the live sets I got to play IDM DJ which was a lot of
fun.  I usually spin vinyl -- more house and techno than idm  -- but I
brought out the Denon and played whatever the hell I wanted, which is
really liberating.  One thing people don't realize is that even pretty
'out there' stuff -- Venetian Snares, 606, Speedranch -- actually gets
a strong visceral reaction from audiences who were raised on punk.
People were dancing to Venetian Snares, a sight surely worth the price
of admission.

One thing that was interesting to me is that the only time people were
coming up wanting to know what I was playing was during tracks off of
Rich Devine's Lipswitch.  Again it's suprising what people with adventurous
ears make an immediate connection with.

After the show Josh showed the Marumari video for Baby M, which combines
a really lovely track with a naively wacky Sci Fi narrative about Josh
taking an alien bug back to its home planet, where it repays his kindness
by saving him from a giant Lobster.  There's another bit with
josh taking a glowing head -- the glass head off the back of Supermogadon --
to a tribe of brownskinned dolls with blond hair.  You get the idea...

The coolest thing is that Josh did all the 3d animation and special effects.
You heard it here first -- this could be a huge hit on MTV2.  Not only
is the song sublime ear candy, the whole video is completely lush eye candy.
Not only should it be in heavy rotation on MTV2, it will probably get
Josh work doing other people's videos...

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