I think you were too focused on the piano player...

Or else Dani was ill and replaced by Herbert's roadie :-)

Nope, Dani Siciliano is most definitely a girl, you can always contact Herbie 
through www.matthewherbert.com and ask if you do not believe me!


On Wed, 25 Jul 2001 10:08:20 -0400 "Grammenos, Peter" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>you wrote :
>"but the minute his girlfriend came in on vocals (Dani Siciliano)"
>is that really his g-friend? that she is definitely a he. granted i've seen
>a lot stranger things, just wondering though.
>i'd have to agree, Herbert is probably the best live p.a. i've ever seen. 
>-----Original Message-----
>From: stuffed bird [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>Sent: Wednesday, July 25, 2001 5:52 AM
>To: 313@hyperreal.org
>Subject: [313] July party month part 2
>Hi list (purists and others),
>After my trips to London and Paris, and my visit to the 10 days off festival
>in Ghent the party month continued. An overview with my humble opinions:
>Wednesday 18th July: 10 Days Off
>I went to see Derrick Carter who was replacing ear-troubled Garnier but I
>was blown away by two others: Herbert and Russ Gabriel. Herbert live was one
>of the most inspiring lives I've ever seen. Sometimes he was just a bit too
>much 'look what I can do with my machines' and 'look what I dare to do,
>breaking CD's on the mic and sampling that to make a track', but the minute
>his girlfriend came in on vocals (Dani Siciliano) and the piano player
>joined as well it was all about incredibly soulful and deep house music. big
>up to Herbie!
>I'd heard Russ Gabriel bringing it deep three years ago, and the man has
>evolved even more towards the deeper side of music. His mixing was far from
>flawless, but the tracks made me smile all the way through his set. And he's
>a nice fellow as well, what with giving me his last record just because he
>was too lazy to write down his e-mail address for future booking purposes
>Derrick Carter was a big disappointment. He has given me some of my best
>nights in the past, but his uptempo, uninspired tech-house that night made
>me wanna cry. How much can you enjoy the music you play when you start
>playing promo's that have just been given to you without checking the
>quality first? Makes you wonder if Derrick isn't playing too much and just
>cashing in on his incredible talents. I hope he gets back to the deeper,
>vocal side I so love.
>Friday 20th July - Monday 23 July: love parade weekend in Berlin
>We landed at Tempelhof Airport around 9AM, giving us plenty of time for some
>vinyl shopping. The results can be read in the e-mail following this one. So
>if you are not interested in my records, don't read it, if you are, prepare
>to start weeping :-)
>The first night we went to the No Ufo's party at E-Werk, the once legendary
>club. Steve Bug absolutely tore it up with his minimal house and techno, a
>dj to check out! And a fine producer as well :-) Heard some other dj's that
>night too, but they were a bit to rough and loopy for my taste. All in all a
>good start.
>Saturday afternoon saw us checking out the weirdos at the parade itself.
>Getting a good seat close to a drinks-tent, 25°C and just the right amount
>of room to be comfortable can turn this parade-thing into quite a nice
>experience. The pervy-side of me couldn't help but noticing that German
>girls all seem to be over-furnished in the front, the
>it-is-love-parade-so-I-need-to-expose-as-much-as-possible attitude didn't
>quite help the esthetic side of things, but well, you can't have it all now
>can you?
>In the evening we went to Tresor, impatiently waiting for Blake Baxter to
>equal his genius-set of last year, but being blown away by resident dj Senze
>the minute we walked into the Globus Room (House room). After that Marshall
>Jefferson proved why I ran away 15 minutes into his gig at Cafe D'Anvers in
>Belgium a few months back: totally uninspired house with excessive use of
>the stupid filter effect on the pioneer mixing table. And again he started
>with this white label acapella naming all the things he - Marshall Jefferson
>- has done first: bringing a piano into house music, bringing vocals into
>house music, and blah blah blah, "all rise for the master Marshall
>Jefferson"... Brother please... Makes you wonder if tracks like Jungle Wonz'
>'Time Marches On', 'The Jungle' or Ten City's 'Suspicious', 'Devotion',
>etc... were made by a different Marshall Jefferson.
>After two hours of chilling outdoors and checking the basement floor of
>Tresor - which must be thee most underground place in the world, but way too
>hard a music there for me - Blake was on, and played a fine set, but not
>quite near as brilliant as last year. 
>Sunday saw me just lying in bed the whole day and only getting up for the
>Gigolo Records night at WMF. After some problems at the entrance - some
>'crowd selector' thought we were not fit to enter his club until I brought
>it to his attention that he had just 'approved' the rest of our gang seconds
>earlier and that the necessary girl/boy ratio was thus well-reached by our
>ladies first policy - we entered WMF, which I consider to be one of the best
>clubs I ever visited, apart from the door policy of course :-)
>The smaller of two rooms had DJ Naughty playing some of the finest tracks I
>heard in years. Naughty is Fillipo Moscatello, production man behind DJ
>Hell. I was just totally blown away by his selection and had to run to the
>dj booth time and time again to ID some of his beauties. Crowning moment was
>when my 'what's that!?' was answered with a big smile and 'that's my remix
>of Fisherspooner, it's brand new'...nice :-)
>I concluded my WMF-blast in the bigger room, where Gigolo-leader Hell played
>a set that only he can play, making me go out of head the full 3 hours of
>his set.
>I returned form Berlin on Monday evening, only to see me rushing to a new
>club in Belgium where I have been offered a regular guest spot and where I
>was seen behind the decks smiling away all night playing the records I just
>bought in Berlin...life can be good!
>RD, definitely in for a break 
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