I think the message was aimed more towards the POP headliners such as Moby,
Oakenfold, Underworld, etc.., NOT at their more underground stage partners.

Point being if I flip through the MAJOR FM radio stations I may pass that
shitty Moby track on a POP station. I'm not going to catch "slak" or
"Elektrostatik" EVER on those same stations.

Needless to say, I meet these dumb azz f*ckin promoters from time to time
and consider them mostly a disease. They have no concept whatsoever. They
are just trying to make a buck and be cool at the same time. Throw a bunch
of names on a flyer, add whatever local talent is pandering to you, hire a
bunch of stupid light systems, and voila. Instant success party. Personally
I'd rather shoot myself in the foot than attempt to throw a party of that

It was in a recent Autechre interview that they discussed art without a
dissident edge, basically saying that without that propulsion away from the
establishment or from compromise the art isn't really communicating anything
revolutionary or otherwise.

I think these people (wack promoters) should go get a job at a burger joint
and contribute more to society. I won't tell you what I REALLY think they
should go do...


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