Too much, too big, too fast. 

Was the ticket price too much of a shock, the timing too close after Area:One, 
was it that people don't care to support a greedy corporate empire such as SFX, 
or inadequate promotion that spurred the abysmal ticket sales and abortion of 
something overpromised and underdelivered?  We'll likely never know. 

Sure things aren't.  They've learned that now.  Hopefully they'll abandon 
agencies like SFX in the future and direct their attentions to smaller one-off 
events; perhaps more success will be forthcoming and all this talk of caring 
and community they belch will actually exist instead of huge corporate 
interests and mega (or should that be mekka) dollar signs. 

Yes.  Too much, too big, too fast -- too bad.

- Craig

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