On Tue, 7 Aug 2001, Phonopsia wrote:

> Alright, I used the "s" word.... :)
> I listened to the new set on Betalounge from 7/28 yesterday, with Don
> Shtone,
> Mannequin Lunge and Jan Jelinek. There's some straight hip hop with really
> nice
> lush beats in there. I'm way removed from the hip hop world these days. I'm
> curious
> about what some of it might be. If I'm tracking it down right, it's going on
> around the 2-hour mark and moves about from there for at least an hour. Is
> this a new, new school?

There's a sound coming out from Britain called "2-step."  Only reason I'm
familiar with it is that there is somebody on MTV with a 2-step video.
Like a mixture of Usher and....I don't know, Steve Hurley or something.

> This stuff segues from there into what I can only describe as slow
> electronic soul. It has sort of a heavilly electronic hip-hop flavor with
> beautiful vocals. All of this stuff interests me a lot and I have no idea
> where it comes from or what to call it. It's distinct from what I'm hearing
> out of the West London New School sound, although both evoke
> the same return to an older variety of soul or funk for me. More of a direct
> link up with that sound than what we'd normally think of from techno, but
> very techno in spirit. Sorry for being so vague and non-descript. These are
> the best words I can come up with to describe these sounds.

Is the West London sound what I was referring to above?

> I'm hearing a lot of these sounds on the betalounge these days. Beyond all
> of this, is anyone else noticing a really prominent focus on musicality
> versus minimalism in 2001? I feel like people are putting a lot more effort
> into writing music these days. It's really prominent in deep house, and
> seems to be infecting everything else.

I've noticed this too.  A LOT of the sets I'm listening to now have got a
strong and deep musical component to them.  A lusher disco sound.  I'd
imagine that we've now got a generation of kids who are now djs...and
their ears are very sophisticated and they need more than NO WAY BACK.

So they made it themselves.

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