first off, i will apologize to any 313'er i piss off by writing about this
kind of music.

> There's a sound coming out from Britain called "2-step."  Only reason I'm
> familiar with it is that there is somebody on MTV with a 2-step video.
> Like a mixture of Usher and....I don't know, Steve Hurley or something.

it basically sounds like "junglesque house" for lack of a better term with
a lot of r&b samples in it. sometimes a complete r&b song will be released
in this format. it's becoming fairly popular even over here, as some r&b
tracks that you can hear on the radio even are putting smatterings of the
style in their songs. (if even just for a little break). a lot of what
makes it sound the way it does is the use of drums and the bass that is
prevalent in drum n bass, but only in a 4/4 housestyle format. if you want
a good idea of what this sounds like...look for stuff by artful dodger and
wookie. (my personal opinion on it got ruined by having a roommate who
spun it every day for 6 i am not the person to ask if the
stuff is any good. i really don't care much for it.) it's starting to pick
up in popularity around here in parties and even on crap like Muzak (which
i heard an artful dodger track on recently...ugh...i guess it's more
radiofriendly as the r&b lyrics are easily recognized by pop fans.) but
that doesn't mean that it TOTALLY has to suck. i just don't like it
because i was woke up every morning for six months to the stuff. 

> I've noticed this too.  A LOT of the sets I'm listening to now have got a
> strong and deep musical component to them.  A lusher disco sound.  I'd
> imagine that we've now got a generation of kids who are now djs...and
> their ears are very sophisticated and they need more than NO WAY BACK.

a lot more layered of a sound is emerging in house. (just the opposite of
the trend i see in good techno coming out. MY PERSONAL OPINION.) but i
think the trend towards the heavier layered sound has been going that way
for quite some time now. i would venture to say since at least 95-96 with
the heavy emergence of the french house sound, which has been picked up on
since by just about every other house producer out there now. *my personal
opinion*. the production complexity has just continued to go up in house
music. not that everyone is making GREAT tracks due to this complexity.
it's just adding a different dimension to the sound.

blah. back to work i go.

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