this is time for reflection. promoving slave work in all parts of
africa, makig people from all continents hungry. promoving wars in
oriental countrys for ecenomical reasons. this is a too high price
for human race to pay. big companys from rich countrys are richer
everyday. but for what price? capilalism create much bigers tragedys
than this one we r seeing now.
 and clarissa u are wrong. dont be glad about anything. u r guilty in
this sutuations as anyone else. USA president, FMI leaders, people
like u (taht cant understand whats going on) and people like me (that
dont do nothing agaist those social problems) are all guilty.
 i hope people think about this questions now. this drama that NYC is
living is something that we brazilians and poor people from all
arround the world live everyday. we are not killed by airplanes, we r
killed by political decisions and economical interests.
 its really sad that the only way they found to show that was by
killing people.

 my hopes to everyone involved in this tragedy. my condolenses to all

 henrique casanova, Porto Alegre/Brasil.

as always, forgive my terrible english.

----- Original Message -----
From: Carissa Tintinalli
Sent: Tuesday, September 11, 2001 12:34 PM
Subject: Re: [313] WTC

/Honestly, it's times like this that I'm really glad I'm
Canadian, /and that I
/live in Canada (and I'm sure the other canucks on the list agree
with me).

/Yes, the U.S. is the most powerful country in the world, but that
/also makes it a huge target for attacks like this. Not that there
/be terrorist action against Canada, but I don't see anyone hating us
/to do something like this....they'd probably just kidnap our
hockey /players
/or something :P

/I'm also glad I woke up late and didn't get to school early (I go
/in Detroit)...the border has been shut down and I would have
been /stuck

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